
XTP Xtended Tennis Product-Stretch a Tennis Racquet

The very new XTP XTENDED TENNIS PRODUCT-.Patent pending.allows a player to VERY  easily by removing factory butt cap and installing the EXTENDED TENNIS PRODUCT to now add 1/2 inch or slightly more to overall length of a Tennis racquet or Paddle. They now come in sizes...

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XTP HEADBANDS=XTREME TEMP PROTECTION 80% cotton 20 % stretch nylon-these are the newest in the XTP line of sports products 0nly 2.25 each with any purchase-we are making and designing Rubber racquetball grips and vibration dampners,Paddle Tennis paddles-Pop Tennis...

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Dark Star E-Force racquets nearing Touchdown

Yesterday aug.16 2016 I did receive a NEW DARK STAR 170g and I am now demoing it,,and all weight will be in stock by mid sept..also I have just a very few of the old school Lethal NXT GEN 170 still in stock but only a very few left-and after that the Lethal Relaod...

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E-FORCE DARKSTAR coming to a court near you soon.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.E-FORCE has done it again ..THE DARKEST BADEST racquet to premier in late summer 2016,and racquets4less will have special DARK pricing and be the first to get these racquets..and of coarse we will still be offering great pricing on all past...

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XTP Rubber Racquetball Grip and String Vibe Dampner

Well after a long design and testing of MANY Racquetball rubber grips like the Python,Vision grip by Ektelon,the E-Force Flypaper and Octopus,the Gearbox Clutch the Head Tacki-Mac,the ProKennex Friction,we have tried them all and ...NOWracquets4less has the private...

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E-FORCE Racquetball Clothing-huge selection

E-FORCE Racquetball Clothing-huge selection

Just recently RACQUETS4LESS has taken in from E-FORCE racquetsball company a very large quantity of VERY nice racquetball clothing,this is a one time batch of E-DRY clothing that they had from samples from current and past models of PRO Player items and past...

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2016 Racquets4less Rolls=and Rolls out the new Year

We here at racquets4less just keep on getting the best deals out to our loyal customers-we are known as the premier low cost for current inline TOP of the line models--so low a lot of times we can not list the pricing-HEAD,Wilson,E-Force,Cliff Swain,Harrow,PRO...

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E-Force Invasion X and Invasion at best prices

Hello,,we ar RACQUETS4LESS just got our latest shipment for E-Force racquetball and we are proud to say we have great prices on the Invasion X 160,170,175,190 all models in stock,these racquets have the larger Gtubes for MAX stability and power offered in an INVASION...

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