XTP=Extended Tennis Product lengthen any racquet


XTP=Extended Tennis Product-Patent Pending-,can extend any Tennis racket or Paddle Tennis paddle or Pop Tennis paddle by adding this new design butt cap by 1/2 inch or longer if desired,up tp 3/4 inch,,only 19.99ea and save on quantity purchase at www.paddles4less.com.

9993 in stock


A very NEW product that revolutionizes stretching any Tennis Racquet or Paddle Tennis Paddle/Pop Tennis paddle,,this new BUTT CAP FITS ON ANT RACQUET TO MAKE IT 1/2 inch LONGER or slightly more if desired.,,the XTP butt cap has a spacer in the end of cap to extend and racquet or paddle 1/2 inch,ITS patented design save lots of time modifying the handel by simply adding length do to the longer butt cap,,the sizes offered are L2-4 1/4,L3-4 3/8,L4-4 1/2,,currently the L2  and  L3 are more beveled tapered design as shown in photos,the L4 come in the thicker non beveled 3D printer mfg,design,,but either way they can extend any racquet or paddle 1/2 inch or more..cost is 19.99 ea.free ship and handling in USA,,if YOU NEED MORE THAN ONE of these XTP butt caps go to www.paddles4less.com and they can be purchased in lots of 2 or 3-cost for 2 caps 29.99 cost for 3 caps is 39.99and you can save on multiple cap order and can mix sizes..international delivery OK.slightly higher..