The Holders 70th Charlie Brumfield in San Diego and the Roast and Toast to him

The Holders 70th Charlie Brumfield in San Diego and the Roast and Toast to him
LOTS of racquetball royalty was on hand,Marty Hogan,Dr Bud Mulhhiesen,Eric Cambell,Rich Wagner,Arron Embry,Joey Jackie and Joy Parisso,Dave and Greg Peck,Peter Callstrom,Chris Crowther,Ron Grimes,Profesor Shotz,and Myself and many many many more from all over the country.
So many people I had not seen in along time since i moved away from Diego 25yrs ago..
It was 5 hours of non stop Racket Talk,,with many many wonderful stories and lies and jokes and tips,but mostly roasting The Holder,,.
Great food thanks to Peter and the crew..
Happy 70th Charlie-from Jesus Kellerman/a nickname from Brum..
I have posted the photo of myself standing in front if the Charlie banner to stress the importance of being very focussed and know that anything can happen,when surrounded by The Holder..
Charlie stressed at the end of tbe event To Be The Best that you can Be,and that his cheating,verbal diatribe,and all other forms of intimidation on the court and off was his way of motivating you to do this,TUFF LUV,,and the fact he did LOVE to Win..God Bless u Charlie u gave me alot to think about.